Thursday 07/24/14

"The Crucible"
25 Pull-ups
50 Deadlifts, 135#/95#
50 Push-ups
50 Box Jumps, 24"/18"
50 KTE
50 Wall Ball Shots, 20#/14#
Run 400m
25 Pull-ups

"The Crucible" is modeled after a workout called "The 300," which is a workout that was performed by some of the actors and stuntmen involved in the movie "The 300." The reps add up to a total of 300, and there is a 400m run added in there for extra fun!

Please take care to scale this WOD appropriately so that A) you avoid injury and maintain great form for EVERY rep and B) you finish the WOD in 30 minutes or less.

Compare to 07/11/13.

Finale: Spend at least 10 minutes mobbing whatever YOU need to take care of. This is time well-spent!

Christine and Diana showing up and doing the work

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